Damien the Leprechaun

The Mozy Support Team wanted to honor and showcase their boss with a caricature, Damien O’ Halloran (Global Technical Support Director).

Cinco de Mayo 2011

Every year my family uses Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to get together and cook up some tasty Mexican dishes.
I try to draw up a poster for the party of a Mexican bandit.

Cinco de Mayo 2010

Every year my family uses Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to get together and cook up some tasty Mexican dishes.
I try to draw up a poster for the party of a Mexican bandit.

Rand Dog

My dad as a dog playing video games.

Cinco de Mayo 2006

Every year my family uses Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to get together and cook up some tasty Mexican dishes.
I try to draw up a poster for the party of a Mexican bandit.